Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Sep 18 07:00, SJ Wright wrote:
Having recently by accident trashed my home folder, and having had
to rebuild from one saved from a much older install (1.7.0 or even
earlier), I noticed my man pages were again displaying with garbage
text in between the readable text -- nonprintable characters,
Unicode litter and the like. I remembered Corinna Vinschen had
posted something quite a while back in a topic thread that dealt
with this issue; I am sure it made it into the archives for this
list, but I wasn't able to find it. I vaguely recalled one detail
had something to do with setting one's environment variable to C
instead of C.utf_8 or even en_us.utf8.

Ouch.  Wrong on both accounts.  Either "C.UTF-8, or "C.utf-8", or
"C.utf8", or "en_US.UTF-8" or "en_US.utf-8" or "en_US.utf8".  Dash yes,
underscore no.  The territory must be written in uppercase.
The User's Guide might be a good start:


Yes. I noticed where I had the territory mis-cased the next time I ran wget. In the line that identified the file and URL for each download, double-quotes and other punctuation became garbage characters, where they hadn't been when I either had *no* LANG variable set or a correctly-written one. So now it's fixed. Thanks again.

SJ Wright

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