On 8:59 PM, Maring, Steven wrote:
 From a 50K foot perspective, what I'm trying to do is punch a hole through my 
corporate http proxy to get to github.  By itself, cygwin, along with openssh 
and corkscrew, does not have a problem (i.e. remote git commands work).  
However, I would also like to make use of the eGit Eclipse plugin, which 
unfortunately does not support the notion of a proxy.  So, I thought that if I 
could setup a local port forwarding I might be able to get eGit to connect ... 
but it isn't working.I've included the openssh, git, and corkscrew packages in 
my cygwin install.

I then ran ssh-host-config, but I didn't think actually running the sshd via 
'net start sshd' would be required.  The port forwarding does not seem to work 
either way.
$ ssh -L 22:github.com:22 -v -N g...@github.com
and then try to connect from another console like this ...

$ ssh -v -N g...@localhost
then my tunnel says ...

debug1: Connection to port 22 forwarding to github.com port 22 requested.
debug1: channel 1: new [direct-tcpip]
channel 1: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed
debug1: channel 1: free: direct-tcpip: listening port 22 for github.com port 
22, connect from port 1130, nchannels 2
This sounds like a vanilla ssh issue to me rather than anything cygwin-specific.

Several things come to mind right off. First, I've seen the "administratively prohibited" message when there was no port forwarding in place at all. Not the most intuitive message, but whatever...

Second, it's often "difficult" to forward to "privileged" ports (< 1024), though that wasn't a problem when I tested it on my cygwin install.

Finally (and probably the real issue) ssh-host-config sets things up for (and starts) the sshd service, which means port 22 on your machine is already in use and the port forwarding comes up empty-handed. Try "net stop sshd", or else tell ssh "-L 2222:github.com:22" and see if that gets you anywhere (I don't use git but I assume there's a way to point it at ports besides the default 22). Note that connecting this way will mess up the known_hosts file and make ssh yell at you if you ever happen to ssh to localhost (or to any other machine tunneled to localhost). I think there are ways around this with aliases or something... man ssh_config?


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