On 22 September 2010 11:11, Csaba Raduly wrote:
>> you can switch among mintty windows with Ctrl+Tab
> Ouch. I just tried Ctrl+Tab and the mintty window simply disappeared,
> leaving the shell process (bash or ssh) behind without a window
> (visible or otherwise). :(

Fixed on svn for 0.9, following lots of help from Csaba in
investigating this. The issue only showed up on his Vista dual-monitor
setup. The problem apparently was that a pointer to a nested function,
which accessed local variables of its enclosing function, was passed
to EnumWindows().

According to http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Nested-Functions.html
that ought to work, as long as the enclosing function remains on the
call stack. But perhaps that's only guaranteed to work as long as only
gcc-compiled code is involved? On the other hand, compiling with gcc-4
instead of gcc-3 also made the issue go away, so perhaps there was a
gcc-3 bug here. I guess I should just avoid obscure compiler features
like that.


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