Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 9/25/2010 9:27 PM, SJ Wright wrote:
Or is it just the difference in encodings?

In scripts and config/convenience files like .bashrc or .bash_aliases, it can
 see *through* "crunches" (#), which are supposed to make a line of text
invisible to a shell <or am I wrong on that?>

Could it be because I added a LANG variable and have been turning out
not-quite-UTF-8 stuff from my one or two text editors? The only guess I can
make with my limited knowledge is that, once UTF8 is set or enabled,
ISO-8859-1 "crunches," for all practical purposes, are meaningless to the
shell. or am I wrong on that as well?

A little help, please. This isn't making a whole lot of sense. What good are rules for comments if, when a new text encoding or environment variable is applied/undertaken/invoked, they become null and void? (Might as well go back
to REM: from CLI BASIC.)

I suggest you run 'd2u' on the files and see if that helps. If it does, you
know that some editing you did on those files introduced DOS/Windows line

I did something slightly different, inspired by your suggestion. I wrote up a quickie script to get the magic number returns from 'find' on all my dotfiles. This after running several different combinations of 'cat' with options. Re ALL the files in question: there were *NO* ^M markers at the end of any line. I regard running dos2unix a waste of time if I don't see some indication of non-Unix encoding/formatting on a file or files ahead of time. And I may not know much but I know what to look for. Or maybe you'd prefer to take up the subject of what saves which correctly with the developers of Emerald Editor, which I use both in Windows and Ubu Linux to compose scripts and edit dotfiles regularly when I'm not in the mood for the mouseless approach vi and nano restrict one to.

A solution that's not a solution isn't even worth considering (was that Einstein or Schrodinger? Maybe it was Dr Moore.)

steve w

Attached is the output to text of that script (which returned as "*magic_returns_dotfiles.txt: ASCII text*" one-half second ago).

~/.Xauthority: empty
~/.Xdefaults: ASCII text
~/.Xresources: Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
~/.bash_aliases: ASCII English text
~/.bash_history: ASCII English text
~/.bash_profile: ASCII English text
~/.bashrc: ASCII English text
~/.blackboxrc: ASCII text
~/.curlrc: ASCII text
~/.gtk-bookmarks: ASCII text
~/.imrc: ASCII text
~/.inputrc: ASCII English text
~/.jwmrc: XML  document text
~/.minttyrc: ASCII text
~/.profile: ASCII English text
~/.wmcliphistrc: empty
~/.xinitrc: POSIX shell script text executable
~/.xserverrc: POSIX shell script text executable
~/.xsession: ASCII English text
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