--- Ven 1/10/10, Dipak Gaigole  ha scritto:

> Hello,
> Recently I had uninstalled my previous version of cygwin
> (1.5.24) and
> did a fresh install of latest cygwin (
> When I tried to recompile my code it failed because of
> libtermcap.a
> not found. This termcap library is needed by my code.

newly compiled applications should use terminfo
(that is, libncurses) and not libtermcap, see

> Further investigation shows that this library is missing
> from this
> latest cygwin installer package.
> As far as I know, the termcap library is provided under
> "terminfo" or
> the older "termcap" cygwin package.
> During my installation, I had included all the "devel"
> packages.
> #########################################
> administra...@engwin03-64dev1 ~
> $ cygcheck -c "cygwin"
> Cygwin Package Information
> Package Version Status
> cygwin 1.7.7-1 OK
> administra...@engwin03-64dev1 ~
> $ cygcheck -c | egrep "ncurses|terminfo|termcap"
> libncurses-devel 5.7-18 OK
> libncurses10 5.7-18 OK
> libncurses8 5.5-10 OK
> libncurses9 5.7-16 OK
> libncursesw-devel 5.7-18 OK
> libncursesw10 5.7-18 OK
> ncurses 5.7-18 OK
> ncurses-demo 5.7-18 OK
> ncursesw 5.7-18 OK
> ncursesw-demo 5.7-18 OK
> termcap 5.7_20091114-14 OK
> terminfo 5.7_20091114-14 OK
> terminfo0 5.5_20061104-12 OK
> administra...@engwin03-64dev1 ~
> $
> #########################################
> Does anyone has faced similar issue?
> Meanwhile I am downloading the latest cygwin source
> code and
> planning to recompile it.
> Thanks,
> Dipak


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