--- Ven 1/10/10, Andrey Repin ha scritto:

> Greetings, Marco Atzeri!
> >>
> [C:\arc\games\online\WoW\AddOns\DebuffFilter-1.98]$patch
> > C:\arc\games\online\WoW\AddOns\DebuffFilter-1.98
> > is not a cygwin path, so what is your shell ?
> http://www.farmanager.com/index.php?l=en
> > I will expect something like
> >
> /cygdrive/c/arc/games/online/WoW/AddOns/DebuffFilter-1.98
> >> < ../.modd/DebuffFilter/TinyFontFix.patch
> >> can't find file to patch at input line 3
> >> Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip
> option?
> > patch --help is your friend,
> > you need likely to specify 
> > "-p number" 
> Hope it's not a joke, just misunderstanding.
> Files are exactly where they are supposed to be.
> In ./DebuffFilter/* in this case.

Thanks for the test case.
You are right

$ patch -i TinyFontFix-linpath.patch
can't find file to patch at input line 3


$ patch -p0 -i TinyFontFix-linpath.patch
patching file DebuffFilter/DebuffFilter.xml

works. I don't know the reason.
Sometimes patch tries to be too smart.

> But just as I said:
> >> But when I change these lines to
> >> --- DebuffFilter\DebuffFilter.xml  2010-09-18
> >> 16:25:08.000000000 +0400
> >> +++ DebuffFilter\DebuffFilter.xml  2010-10-01
> >> 17:54:35.746500000 +0400
> >> 
> >> the patch works well.
> Testcase attached.
> --
> WBR,
>  Andrey Repin (anrdae...@freemail.ru)
> 02.10.2010, <1:39>
> Sorry for my terrible english...

much better than my russian ;-)

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