I see that it is simply a program. That makes more sense. Thank you!

At this point, I'd rather just remove the application, for now. By uninstalling it via setup, this won't effect other programs running on the server, correct? I've had to rebuild this server twice already from applications that were *supposed* to un-install cleanly. I'm a little gun shy...

Thanks again for your time and consideration...


René Berber wrote:
On 10/5/2010 4:58 PM, Blaine Miller wrote:

I started this service and now need to turn it off and remove it. I've
looked in the Windows Services panel and  can't seem to find ssmtp
anywhere. I've also scanned the doc and faq on cygwin.com.

I can kill it, temporarily by grep-ing it from the  ps  and doing a kill
-9 on the PID. This takes care of it till the next time I reboot the
machine, I assume.  Within the cygwin/Windows framework how do I
permanently remove this application?

Its not a service, just a program.

I assume your cron jobs are sending mail or something similar, you can
either disable it on the configuration, or uninstall it using setup.exe
(in that case cron will still send messages, but if everything reverts
fine, it will send them to a file).

By 'configuration' I really mean 2 possibilities, cron can be configured
to send or not send emails, and ssmtp's own configuration can also be
changed to not send messages.

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