On 10/7/2010 2:20 AM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 18:13 -0400, Bill Hoffman wrote:
Really this belongs on the CMake dev list.

In so much as this affects a Cygwin packages, it is perfectly on topic

The new release I just posted is not really a new release of CMake, but
it is a new release for cygwin.  The current cmake that comes with
cygwin is 2.6.4 (very old).  The one I just uploaded was 2.8.2 (still
old but much newer.)  It has no changes at all.

How exactly is 2.8.2 old when it is the latest official release?

We are currently working on 2.8.3, it has some of the patches you want,
but not all.  However, please work with me on the cmake dev list to come
up with a solution that won't break all of the projects I support (VTK,
ITK, and several others).

That may be the long term solution, but right now we need a working
cmake, and your 2.8.2-1 isn't it.  You want WIN32 defined on Cygwin, but
*we* do not.  As so far as the Cygwin distribution is concerned,
shouldn't the views of those who make the distribution take priority?

I do not want to create a cygwin release that does not match the
upstream CMake.

Unfortunately we need you to do exactly that until upstream has been

So, I thought that I was the cmake maintainer for cygwin? So, really I don't "need" to do anything. I really don't want two version out there. If someone builds CMake from source and it behaves totally different than the one that comes with cygwin, that IMO is a very bad thing, and will cause lots of confusion. And seriously we are working on exactly what you want, and CMake has been like this for 10 years now, I would think you could be a bit more patient and give me some more time to come up with the correct fix.


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