chm <devel dot chm dot 01 at gmail dot com> wrote:
> Hi-
Hi Chris,
> I've been trying to compile the Perl OpenGL
> module for cygwin using the w32api opengl32,
> glu32,.. for performance.  I used to be able
> to add either -I/usr/X11R6/include or
> -I/usr/include/w32api to the gcc flags to
> get the compile to work.
> Going back with cygwin 1.7.1 now, I am unable to
> get the w32api compile to work.  After some
> debugging, the problem is that /usr/include/w32api
> is in the gcc system headers list.  As a result,
> duplicate -Idir flags are discarded and since both
> /usr/include and /usr/include/w32api are in the
> system search path (in that order), the compile
> *always* picks up the gl.h in /usr/include/GL
> which is the Mesa one.
> I was able to get the compile to work by using
> the -isystem flag instead of -I as the gcc
> option but now I have a compiler-specific flag
> that I have to track.  Are there any other
> options here?
> Thanks much,
> Chris
> P.S.  It turns out the previous use of flags
> had the same problem but since the X11/Mesa
> GL include files were in /usr/X11R6/include
> and not /usr/include, the duplicate use of
> -I/usr/include/w32api was ignored but that
> was the one being pulled in by the default
> search.  Then when I put -I/usr/X11R6/include
> on the compile, it did get added to the
> header search path since it was not in the
> gcc system paths by default.
Your problem is the consequence of the libGL-devel package (Mesa GL) taking 
over /usr/include/GL in 2008.
If you want native GL, you need to install the opengl package, and compile with
-I/usr/include/opengl , as stated in /usr/share/doc/opengl-1.1.0/README.txt .
André Bleau, Cygwin's volunteer OpenGL package maintainer.
Please send any question or comment about the opengl package to cygwin at 
cygwin dot com,
not to directly to me.                                    

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