On 10/22/2010 2:47 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 10/22/2010 03:41 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
>> On 10/22/2010 12:32 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
>>> On 21 October 2010 22:22, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
>>>>> do you have bash-completion, if yes, get rid of it and try again.
>>>> Bash completion is installed on my system but never loaded; i.e.,
>>>> /etc/bash_completion is not sourced in '~/.bashrc', or
>>>> '~/.profile', or anywhere else.
>>> It gets loaded by /etc/profile.d/bash_completion.sh, which is sourced
>>> by /etc/profile.
>> I wonder if this was a packaging bug in bash-completion. Eric's
>> announcement
>> (http://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin-announce/2010-06/msg00061.html) said
>> the following:
>> You MUST edit your bash startup files to load bash-completion into
>> memory:
> Hmm - maybe this is a case of a copy and paste bug on my part.
> Certainly, before bash-completion 1.0, you had to manually enable
> things.  But it looks like 1.0 and later (first cygwin build in Apr
> 2009) inherit the upstream default of automatic enabling.
> I'll have to revisit that next time I package bash-completion, and
> either fix the release notes to match reality, or alter the packaging to
> restore the manual enabling (but note that other distros like Fedora do
> automatic enabling if you install the package, so that's the direction
> I'm leaning in).

If you do decide to leave in the automatic enabling, it might be worth
mentioning in the release email that users from the pre-1.0 era should
remove the manual loading. My bash startup times doubled when I upgraded
to 1.0 because I was enabling twice and it took me a little while to
figure out why.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

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