Alpha Fighter <alphafighter1 <at>> writes:

> I've run into an issue with bash-completion v1.2-1.  After I tail -f a file
and then press ctrl-c to stop
> tailing I can no longer see any text I type.  My text is being entered, just
not being ... echoed back.
> This does not happen after uninstalling 1.2-1.  It also does not happen if I
downgrade to bash-completion
> v1.1-2.  I experienced this on a fresh clean install of cygwin (with
bash-completion 1.2-1 of course).
> This has been a maddening problem for me the past few days.  Hopefully this
post will save some time for
> anyone else running into this problem.

Well unfortunately what it said in the below

and uncommenting out the case statement did not fix it, sorry about that.
I did not test it right.
I did discover that I can workaround it by typing the "reset" command but when
you type it you won't be able to see it.

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