I'm trying to port a Perl script of mine that uses DBI and DBD::mysql to update a database running on another, Linux, server. I have been able to install DBI (cpan DBI) and get it to compile, but I cannot get DBD::mysql to install. When I try I get

Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line 464. Can't find mysql_config. Use --mysql_config option to specify where mysql_config is located

My understanding is that this mysql_config is only present when you install mysql_client (well on a Linux system it's called mysql_client) but IIRC there is no mysql_client for Cygwin - or is there?

Any workarounds? Is there a way I can install the Windows version of mysql_client and have Cygwin's Perl interact with it?
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

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