At 06:46 AM 12/17/2010, Ross Hemingway wrote:
I have installed cygwin and Exim into 3 different Server 2008R2 (64bit). I'd like to report the following errors that are consistent through out. This applies to all version of 1.7.x so far.

1/ Exim install script does not complete through the regular setup.exe system. The script never gets its .done file extension, so it pops up an error "did not complete", but it does seem to have completed its install task regardless.

2/ Exim will not run error free, until you do a "rebaseall" on the installed cygwin. The errors are seen when it tries to do a mailing, and it creates a lot of "permissions access errors". Rebasing the system fixes it.

3/ rebaseall script has a fault on line 91, where if [ ! -w "$TmpDir" ]. This always returns an error, despite the file location being OK and writable. It's probably a permission issue again. If we comment out this code part, the script does its job OK.

4/ inetd.exe: This is not an error, but a big inconvenience. When this inetd is installed as a service (cygrunsrv -I), and then started as a service (net start inetd), it does not keep a Services.msc presence. Hence you cannot stop it (net stop inetd). The only way to stop it is with a force kill process on the inetd.exe.

Thanks for the report about exim. The need to rebaseall on many systems has already been mentioned several times. I will make sure that this is clear in the documentation
and perhaps add a warning in exim-config.
About the postinstall, it's the first time this problem is reported. Has setup changed its criterion to add the "done" extension ? It is normal for the last command in the script
to fail.


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