On Dec 17, 2010, at 12:12 PM, Reini Urban wrote:

>> Where do I get an updated perlrebase?  I've tried performing updates from 
>> the latest released cygwin installer (no snapshots), but I still have what 
>> appears to be an outdated version.
> perlrebase is in perl.
> latest is perl-5.10.1-4
>> Perhaps this is part of my current cpan/rebase hell....
> Looks like so.
> Attached is my latest and greatest version,
> you don't need to install the complete perl, as not much changed there.
> Now I'm trying starting from 56000000 as base, this seems to a bit better on 
> win7 with lots of apps open.

Wonderful!  I'm finally able to run cpanp and grind through a series of updates 

However, I confirmed that I already had perl-5.10.1-4 and even performed a 
reinstall via the cygwin setup, but still had an old version of perlrebase.  Is 
an old version included in perl or am I missing something?

Marco Moreno

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