On Jan 12 01:50, Cyrille Lefevre wrote:
> Hi
> an interresting registry entry would be :
> /proc/registry/HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/International/LocaleName
> in france, under vista, it's fr-FR which is easy to translate to
> fr_FR.UTF-8...
> how about to integrate something like this in lang.sh :
> [ -n "${LC_ALL:-${LC_CTYPE:-$LANG}}" ] && return

The official way to set the locale is to use the locale(1) tool, see the
User's Guide http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-utils.html#locale

  export LANG=`locale -u`       setenv LANG `locale -u`
  export LANG=`locale -s`       setenv LANG `locale -s`

or better

  export LANG=`locale -uU`      setenv LANG `locale -uU`
  export LANG=`locale -sU       setenv LANG `locale -sU`

This has been discussed a couple of months ago and the decision was to
set the lang to C.UTF-8 by default on all systems and everything else is
up to the user.  I'm too lazy to search but you'll find lengthy
discussions in the archives.

So, anyway, if you want your application running with a certain
locale, set $LANG.  If you want the Windows user or system locale,
use `locale -u[U]` or `locale -s[U]`.


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