On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 08:59, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 01/20/2011 12:47 PM, David Antliff wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 20:06, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>>> * David Antliff (Thu, 20 Jan 2011 18:31:25 +1300)
>>>> Actually there is one outstanding issue with this "Hudson slaves over
>>>> SSH" issue - due to the inability for Cygwin's bash to run scripts
>>>> with DOS line endings, we've had to use SHELLOPTS=igncr in our
>>>> Cygwin.bat files, since it cannot be modified once bash is running.
> Actually, it CAN be modified when bash is running, via 'set -o igncr'.
> Reread the bash release announcement for the various ways to control the
> igncr settings:
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-announce/2010-12/msg00032.html

Ah, that's good, I'll use that - thank you. Introduced in bash 3.2.2 I see.

>>> Convert the shell scripts to LF endings.
>> Yes, that would work, but it's not quite that simple - git clones
>> files in CRLF format, with the autocrlf option set.
> Are you using msysgit?  Because cygwin git does not clone files in CRLF
> format on binary mounts (at least, it shouldn't, and if it does, that's
> a bug in cygwin git).

No, I'm using "native" Cygwin git 1.7.1 on Cygwin 1.7.5.

A quick test (with core.autocrlf=true) clearly shows all cloned files
as being in CRLF format. Would you like me to test with the latest

>> And no, you can't convert them to LF, recommit them in git, and expect
>> them to check out later in LF format. They won't - they'll come out in
>> CRLF format again, because of the way git works in Cygwin with
>> autocrlf=true set.
> Use cygwin git when using cygwin.

Indeed. We've been using Cygwin git for two+ years now, and the
line-endings issue is a major and constant headache, but I've posted
all that months ago (and without resolution). These days we just
delete and reclone when the dreaded
line-endings-prevent-checkout-or-commit-or-anything problem raises its
head :)

-- David.

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