On 1/30/2011 6:34 AM, Sunoki wrote:

$ make
cygwin warning:
   MS-DOS style path detected: /usr/local/bin/C:\Program
   Preferred POSIX equivalent is: /usr/local/bin/C:/Program
   CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this
   Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:
Can't find C:\Program on PATH.

I suppose you will meet reluctance, as it will be difficult to "help" until you have read the advice and formed a clearer idea of what you are trying to do. Yes, the warning comes about in part due to the use of an unquoted path with spaces. The primary purpose of cygwin is not for the use of "native" Windows applications. In case you do want that, a useful possibility is to set up the paths correctly in a command prompt window for the Windows applications, then run the cygwin.bat so as to superimpose the cygwin environment.

Tim Prince

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