On 01/31/2011 10:15 AM, Jørgen Steensgaard wrote:
> Hi
> I have just installed 1.7.7 after several unsuccessful attempts.
> Several auxiliary libraries were not included in the installation
> after setup finished.  OK -- so I had to locate and rerun setup
> repeatedly.
> At some point I succeeded in having a terminal running with a
> bash-shell. It was probably my own fault not to have 'find' and 'sed'
> included, since that obviously is supposed to be common knowledge.
> Finally with the terminal running the shell -- including, finally,
> usual command editing facilities -- one problem remains
>   ls gives me no reaction at all :-(
> I can type other commands and get the expected behaviour, but not ls
> -- and who knows what others.
> Quite an experience!  With patience I might become as pleased with 1.7
> as with a 1.5 on another machine.
> Any suggestions?  I include a cygcheck.out, the generation of which
> followed the message:
>     garbled output from 'id' command - no uid= found
> Sincerely
> Jørgen Steensgaard

I'm having this exact same problem.  And in my cygcheck Cygwin DLL is
reporting as 1.7.5.


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