----- Original Message -----
From:Larry Hall (Cygwin) <reply-to-list-only...@cygwin.com>

> There's the section in the FAQ for common setup questions/issues:

Thank you. We haven't started yet on the setup - there's always something that 
needs to be fixed... - I just thought I would do some pre-emptive research so 
that we had some useful links before hand.  I know that when we did this 
before, we used the FAQs, instructions, etc. but just could not figure out how 
to get things to work.

I think this time we will probably start fresh, but I am going to see if I can 
figure out what packages are currently installed, so that we can at least start 
out with those already installed.

Tcl - It's the real thing. http://wiki.tcl.tk/ 
Anything in this posting represents only my personal opinion. 

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