On 02/03/2011 01:04 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
>>   C:\bin\cygreadline6.dll
>>     C:\bin\cygncurses-9.dll
>>       C:\bin\cyggcc_s-1.dll

> Aha.  Bash used to pull in libncurses9 by default, but now it pulls in
> libncursesw10.  This is a setup.hint issue; bc was listing libncurses8
> instead of libncurses9.  I've updated the hint on cygwin's site, but the
> maintainer needs to fix it locally for the next time bc is updated
> (which hopefully is sooner than later, since even libncurses9 is out of
> date).

Oh, and the readline maintainer also needs to update the hint for
libreadline6 (now that libreadline7 is preferred).  Oops - that's me :)
 I've taken care of my side of things.

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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