i'm trying to build cygwin with gcc 4.6 trunk. and compile succeed.
but when i try to run cygwin-linked executables with new-compiled-one,
initialization routine failed with sigsegv at win32_whatever+14
0x61171a20 <+0>: jmp 0x61171a25 <win32_GetKeyboardLayout@4+5>
0x61171a25 <+5>: mov 0x61171a2c,%eax
0x61171a2a <+10>: call *(%eax)
0x61171a2c <+12>: sbb %al,%al
=> 0x61171a2e <+14>: pop %ss
it seems redirection statement('Kludge alert') in autoload.cc didn't
work as expected.
what would i do??
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