* Gary Furash (Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:02:25 -0700)
> I just had to downgrade my PC from Windows 7 to Windows XP. I
> reinstalled Cygwin (from scratch), rebased, etc. However, now, none of
> my cygwin network programs work except within my work's internal
> network (they used to work just fine with Windows 7).
> I tried turning off windows firewall (the only firewall on, I
> believe), and it didn't help. So Ping, NSlookup, ssmtp, etc., don't
> work.
> The utilities work themselves, e.g., if I do ping it works,
> just can't see beyond my PC! All the errors relate to not getting to
> hosts.
> I'm sure there's a simple solution to this. Thanks!

Neither nslookup nor ping are Cygwin utilities (unless you explicitly 
install them). So whatever problem you have, it's likely a Windows 
problem and not a Cygwin one.


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