Hi Wayne,
    I've been getting numerous "Bad address" errors on an upgraded
Cygwin installation (from 1.5 to 1.7).

    Have no clue what is causing the problem and have tried everything I
could think of to try and get rid of it to no avail.

    I have started several different threads in the past couple weeks
that one way or the other deal with the issue.

    Try searching the archive for them.

    Sample topic:
        1.7.7: Windows 2003 R2 WOW64: Cygwin installation fails

    Good luck.


On 02/13/2011 06:05 PM, Wayne Hayes wrote:
> Folks,
> I recently upgraded to Windows 7.  Before that I was running XP with Cygwin 
> 5.1.
> (I can't give you the exact version because it's now gone).  I have scripts
> running in the background constantly doing things like downloading news, 
> uploading
> my current dynamic IP to another machine, running a nigthly unison, etc.  
> Immediately
> after upgrading to Windows 7, I started seeing very infrequent errors like 
> the following:
>     [... a few minutes of execution without errors ...]
>     /home/wayne/bin/quote: line 8: /usr/bin/date: Bad address
>     [... a few more minutes of execution without errors ... ]
>     /home/wayne/bin/quote: line 74: /usr/bin/tr: Bad address
>     [... a few more minutes of execution without errors ... ]
>     bash: /home/wayne/bin/quote: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Bad address
>     /home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
>     /home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
>     /home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
>     /home/wayne/bin/quote: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
> Note that the error is coming from random executables called from my scripts.
> Now, the "fork: Resource temporarily unavaible" errors I've seen before, 
> ongoing
> for years, and they're annoying but not critical because execution would 
> always
> continue.  I would also consider these "Bad address" errors not to be crucial 
> except
> occasionally they cause my script to just freeze up and stop dead.  Not good 
> since
> I need these scripts to be running continuously.
> The first thing I did was upgrade from Cygwin 5.1 to 6.1, the most recent 
> stable
> release.  It didn't solve the problem.  Then I tried re-compiling all my own 
> personal
> executables.  No luck.  Then I found a description of a similar problem back 
> in
> August on this list,
>     http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-08/msg00277.html
> where Corinna Vinschen suggested getting the most recent developer version.  I
> assumed this means cygwin1.dll.  So I went and got the most recent developer
> version, which is 13 February 2011, and I downloaded and un-tar'd
>     http://cygwin.org/snapshots/cygwin-inst-20110213.tar.bz2
> Then I rebooted.  No luck.  The problem persists.
> This is what "uname -a" now says:
>     CYGWIN_NT-6.1 pisa 1.7.8s(0.236/5/3) 20110213 16:43:51 i686 Cygwin
> Has anybody else encountered this problem?  Any clue as to what's causing it?

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