On 2/15/2011 12:09 PM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 14 17:41, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 14 10:20, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Feb 13 18:07, Ken Brown wrote:
On 2/13/2011 12:20 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
$1 ls
       0 [main] bash 2220 exception::handle: Exception:

Yes, I encountered that at one point yesterday as well, and I have
already a patch in the pipe, but didn't apply it so far because I
want to do some tests first.
Anyway, I'll apply a patch later today.

Nope, not today.  I stumbled over some other problems which require
more debugging.

I just uploaded a new snapshot which (hopefully) fixed a couple of bugs,
including this one.  Please give it a test.  If you encounter something
weird, please report.

Works fine so far. The last bug I reported is fixed, and preremove/postinstall scripts run OK under setup.exe.


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