On Mar  4 17:49, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> Ken Brown wrote:
> >I think fmtutil creates the files in a temporary directory (using TMPDIR, 
> >TEMP, or TMP if they exist) and then mv's them. Could this be your problem? 
> >What happens if you unset those variables before installing texlive?
> It is some time that my Cygwin installation does not set those
> variables any more, and indeed they are all EMPTY.. Perhaps is the
> TL installation process that sets them, at least temporary. And if
> so, why that does not occur with 1.7.7? Why not with other files
> under TL installed tree?

Since fmtutil-sys is apparently the core of the problem, and given
my total lack of knowledge about the Tex/Latex system, is there any
simple call to fmtutil-sys with which I can reproduce the problem
without having to install texlive?


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