Hello again.

Here follows a complete report of the problem.
I am using Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1.
I am using Cygwin's latest (to this date) edition.
I have only installed rsync / openssh / openssl packages besides the
base system.
Cygwin is installed on its default location (c:\cygwin).

In order to backup data from four different servers, i am using a text
file i created (getServers.sh) and a file containing excludes for
rsync (exclude.rs).
The contents of the getServers.sh file are seven lines, identical in
syntax to this one:

rsync -e 'ssh -p 22 -l root' -z --delete-excluded --verbose
--recursive --delete --update --exclude-from=exclude.rs root@<server
name>:xms/home /cygdrive/e/MyNetworkServers/XMS-home

The contents of the 'exclude.rs' file are irrelevant to the problem,
since it occurs even with this file left empty.

The size of the backup exceeds 35 GB, with many folders and files.
The backup itself is being written to a folder i created from within
Cygwin, on drive E.
The folder was completely empty when i first run my getServers.sh
file, so all the files in it were also created by cygwin alone.
So, everything went smoothly, during the first backup, but one day
later, running the getServers.sh results in something like this:

rsync: opendir 
failed: Permission denied (13)
IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion

So, this 'Master_Hairstylist_of_the_Year' directory, which (i repeat)
was created by cygwin itself during the first backup, is no longer

Let's see the dir:
ls -al results in this:

d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 DOLORES
d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 DUBLIN_2011
d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 KATASTHMATA
d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 KEUNE_TREND_COLLECTION_-_MEN
d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 LOGO_KOMMWTHRIWN
d---rwx---+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 19:53 Master_Hairstylist_of_the_Year
d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 NEA
d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 OMC_2011_FWTO
d---------+ 1 zzz None     0 Mar  8 03:03 OMC_SHOW_PARIS

If i check the directory's permissions via Windows, everything appears
almost normal: its owner is zzz, however zzz does not have full access
control over it, thus it can not be deleted even from within Windows.
As a matter of fact, the only way to delete it is by going to "Advance
Permissions" and fixing the zzz's permissions from there.

ls -al on the linux server from where the dir originates:

drwxrwxrwx  3 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Feb 23 02:25 DOLORES
drwxrwxrwx  2 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Mar  1 06:14 DUBLIN_2011
drwxrwxrwx 10 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Feb 23 02:25 KATASTHMATA
drwxrwxrwx  2 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Feb 23 02:25
drwxrwxrwx  4 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Feb 23 02:25 LOGO_KOMMWTHRIWN
drwxrwxrwx  2 www-data     www-data     4.0K Mar  8 04:42
drwxrwxrwx  3 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Feb 23 02:25 NEA
drwxrwxrwx  2 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Feb 23 02:25 OMC_2011_FWTO
drwxrwxrwx  3 s3-064-nwukk s3-064-nwukk 4.0K Feb 23 02:25 OMC_SHOW_PARIS

Finally the rsyncd.conf on the linux server is :

uid = zzz
gid = nogroup
read only = false
use chroot = true
transfer logging = true
log format = %h %o %f %l %b
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
hosts allow = <list of IP Addresses>
strict modes = false
incoming chmod = Dugo=rwx,Fugo=rw,Fgo=r

path = /
comment = xms

Any further help will be appreciated.

Kind Regards,

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