On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 1:43 PM, marco atzeri  wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 10:15 AM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
>> On Sun, 2011-03-27 at 07:43 +0200, marco atzeri wrote:
>>> which lapack ? 3.2.2-1 of distro ?
>> 3.2.2 rebuilt with cygwin 1.7.8 and Ports' gcc 4.5.2-2.
>> Yaakov
> Thanks,
> I start to think that there is a problem in lapack-3.2.2.-2 built with
> gcc-4.3.4-4.
> It looks that slartg never returns; I need to further dig.
> Marco

I guess I catched.
There is likely an optimization bomb that never exploded before during
lapack building.
For what ever reason  gcc-4.3.4-4 activates it and all the previous version not.

slamch.f and dlamch.f could fall in never ending loop if the
optimization is active.
The funny thing is that they were created in such a way to fool
optimization to recover hardware real data.

So at the end it is a PEBCAK problem from the first time that I
adopted lapack and used automake/autoconf.


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