On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 4:21 AM, Corinna Vinschen  wrote:
> On Mar 31 17:55, Mirko Vukovic wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to change my /home directory.
>> My windows HOME variable points to d: which is my user directory on the PC.
>> Currently, /home points to my home directory.  But because of some
>> issues with unison, I would like to change it
>> to /home/977315
>> I tried:
>> > mkdir /home/977315
>> > vi /etc/fstab ... to point d: to /home/977315 (d: is my home directory)
>> > vi /etc/passwd to make my login directory /home/977315
>> But when I open a new bash window, `cd ~' will still put me into
>> /home, and mount's output still points d: to /home.
>> If I remove that windows variable HOME, my cygwin home directory
>> becomes /home/mv.  But the mount point d: is still pointing to /home,
>> disregarding the /etc/fstab setting
>> What else should I do?
> Stop all your Cygwin processes and start again.  The fstab changes won't
> be visible until you "restart" your Cygwin session.  Alternatively, try
> `mount -a', see http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using-utils.html#mount
> Corinna

Thank you.  Works now.


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