On 4/12/2011 11:10 AM, Hans Horn wrote:
On 4/12/2011 8:02 AM, Eliot Moss wrote:
For x64 Windows releated target questions it would be better if you
are posting to mingw-w64's ML: I redirect this thread to this list.

Elliot,     [Eliot]

I've been using the cygwin gcc compiler (with the -mno-cygwin option) for years 
to build JNI dlls
(interfacing with C code) that ran fine under 32bit JVMs on windows32.

After migrating to 64bit windows7 last year, I've been using 
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc to do the same,
ie. build JNI dlls that run fine under 64bit JVMs on windows64.

However, throwing fortran in the mix is causing the trouble I'm seeking help 

I see; I appreciate knowing that. Of course, though you're using
cygwin to run the compiler, it's really a cross compile to the
Windows environment, not *targeting* cygwin.  But I can see why
it might be at least a little relevant to this list.  Sorry -- EM

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