Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
On Mon, 2011-04-11 at 13:44 -0400, Tomas Staig wrote:
First I'll state that this is most probably not BLODA (unless some default program that comes with W7 provokes it),

FWIW, Windows Defender is a default component of recent versions of
Windows, including Win7, and is BLODA.

Thank you for your reply, Windows Defender was indeed running,
although after stopping the service(from Windows Defender configuration) the same problem still happens. I tried restarting the system (with Windows Defender deactivated) just in case, but received the same outcome.

I even tried stopping all the services the system allowed me with no better results.

Is there anything else I could try? I'm quite confident now that this is not BLODA.

Thanks again.

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