On 5/5/2011 7:38 AM, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
> But if you do not want to be limited file in the current working
> directory, use a function.
> notepad ()
> {
>     cygstart "$(cygpath -u -W)/notepad.exe" "$(cygpath -w "$1")"
> }
> You might have to change -W to -S in the first cygpath, if notepad.exe
> is in $SYSDIR but not WINDIR.  (In my instance of XP, it is in both.)

the latest (1.4.6) version of cygstart should allow the following to work:

notepad ()
    cygstart notepad.exe "$(cygpath -w "$1")"


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