On May  9 18:36, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> > On May  9 17:21, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
> >> Corinna Vinschen writes:
> >> 
> >> > Chris and I are wondering how many people are using the Windows console
> >> > as local console window in CYGWIN=tty mode and why.
> >> 
> >> I am one such.
> >> 
> >> > Here's why we ask:
> >> >
> >> > We are both not sure why anybody would use it voluntarily, given that
> >> > it's I/O is extremly slow, compared to using a Windows console window in
> >> > the default CYGWIN=notty mode or, even better, mintty.  Actually, we
> >> > only keep the console tty mode up because it was "always there", 14
> >> > years or so.
> >> 
> >> Um, history is sticky, is I guess the answer.  When I started using
> >> cygwin (a _long_ time ago), CYGWIN=tty was the recommended setting
> >> (and isn't it still there in cygwin/cygwin.bat ?).  So I have
> >
> > No, it's not the default, and it never was, actually.
> Well, I guess I misunderstood the earlier version of this prose (from
> [1]):
>   The CYGWIN variable is used to configure many global settings for
>   the Cygwin runtime system. Initially you can leave CYGWIN unset or
>   set it to tty (e.g. to support job control with ^Z etc...) using a
>   syntax like this in the DOS shell, before launching bash.
> plus the prose further up
>   Some of these settings need to be in effect prior to launching the
>   initial Cygwin session (before starting your bash shell, for
>   instance). They should therefore be set in the Windows environment
> to mean that CYGWIN=tty was recommended.

Well, it was just meant as an example.

> > And what do you use to run Cygwin apps?
> mintty, of course :-)

Attaboy ;)

> > Many native Windows tools don't work well in tty mode anyway.  For
> > non-Cygwin tools, the default notty mode is the most compatible one.
> OK, I hear that as answers along the lines of "yes", and "only good
> things" to my questions:
>  >> Is it time to remove it?  I do use a windows console
>  >> occasionally for pure Windows activities---what change(s) will I see?
> The Wayback machine [2] suggests that the prose quoted above hasn't
> changed for nearly 11 years -- perhaps it's due for an update?

Ok, I just did so in CVS.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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