2011/5/18 Sven Severus:
> let me report a strange behaviour with Cygwin Perl (I'm using cygwin1.dll
> 1.7.9-1, full installation 2 weeks ago).
> File foo.h is an ordinary text file, all lines are terminated with DOS
> style line endings <cr> <lf> (hex: 0d 0a).
> It is located in a directory with textmode mounting in cygwin.
> One <cr> <lf> sequence of foo.h is split by a 4096 byte boundary within
> the file: "od -c -Ax foo.h" shows a <cr> (='\r') at byte offset 4095
> (0xfff)
> and a <lf> (='\n') at offset 4096 (0x1000):
> ...
> 000ff0   /   /   /   /   /   /  \r  \n   /   /   X   X   X   X   X  \r
> 001000  \n   /   /  \r  \n   /   /  \r  \n
> 001009
> Now I issued the command "perl -pe 's/12345/54321/' foo.h >foomod.h"
> to produce foomod.h, located in the same directory as foo.h, thus with
> textmode mounting too.
> When I examined the result, I noticed that foomod.h was one byte bigger
> then foo.h. I expected identical size, and "od -c -Ax foomod.h" reports:
> ...
> 000ff0   /   /   /   /   /   /  \r  \n   /   /   X   X   X   X   X  \r
> 001000  \r  \n   /   /  \r  \n   /   /  \r  \n
> 00100a
> Ups! The original <cr> <lf> sequence starting at offset 4095 (0xfff)
> became a three character sequence <cr> <cr> <lf>! The <cr> is duplicated!
> In other files created by Perl with output redirection I observed this
> behaviour with every <cr> <lf> line ending, that is split by a 4096 byte
> boundary (even multiple times in one output file). Line endings not
> split by a 4096 byte boundary do not show this behaviour.
> The behaviour does not occur, when the destination file is located
> in a directory with binmode mounting. It does not occur either, when
> I use sed instead of Perl ("sed -e 's/12345/54321/' foo.h >foomod.h"),
> so I think the problem is specific to Cygwin Perl, not to Cygwin in
> general.
> I this a bug of the output buffering mechanism of Cygwin Perl?
> Or do I anything wrong?
> Any answer is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Yes, this looks like a PerlIO buffering bug for MSWin32 and cygwin.
The last char of the buffer is not stored when checking the first char
of the new buffer.
I think first we have to provide a sample test case to perl core.
Reini Urban
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