On Apr 29 11:35, John Dong wrote:
> Hi,
> Cygwin on Windows 7, seems to exhibit a rather peculiar behavior: Sometimes 
> the exit status of a Win32 process is incorrectly captured by Cygwin.



> [...]
> > int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
> > {
> >     int ret = _ttoi(argv[1]);
> >     _tprintf(_T("Exiting with %i\n"), ret); 
> >     
> >     return ret;
> > }
> Then, I wrote a shell script that called this executable ("exiter.exe") with 
> argument 0 in an infinite loop:
> > #!/bin/sh
> > set -e
> > while true; do
> >  /cygdrive/c/exiter.exe 0
> > echo $?
> > done
> > 
> I expect this script to run forever, as the exit code should always be zero. 
> However, after running this overnight, I see the script terminate:
> > Exiting with 0
> > 0
> > Exiting with 0
> > 
> > $ echo $?
> > 1
> > 

I'm running your testcase on a W7 32 bit machine for about 12 hours now,
and it's still running.  The only difference is that I built exiter.exe
using MingW gcc, rather than VC++, but that doesn't change the fact that
the resulting application is a native one.

Did any of you running into this problem check if this could be a BLODA


(*) http://cygwin.com/faq/faq.using.html#faq.using.bloda

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