On 4/27/2011 11:54 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
On 04/27/2011 09:50 AM, Dan Grayson wrote:
Here is a patch to tar that fixes the problem by using mtime instead of ctime.
Yes, it's not a problem with cygwin or tar, but I see no way for users to
figure out, under Windows, which processes are changing the status of their

Thanks for the investigation and patch.  mtime is easy to spoof, but
this seems like a reasonable patch to avoid the worst of the BLODA
issues.  I'll probably apply it and push out a new cygwin tar build
soon.  I think the patch should remain cygwin-only, and not go upstream.

Hi Eric,

Are you still planning to get a new tar build out with this patch in the near future? The issue is causing problems for people installing texlive on Cygwin, which involves untarring lots of symlinks.



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