2011/5/30 Gaurav Chhabra:
> Thanks for your reply Reini!
> I got hold of perlrebase from here:
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-02/txt00017.txt
> Not sure whether this is the latest one.

The latest one is from perl-5.10.1-5

> I have Perl separately installed at c:\Perl. I am not sure how to run this.

This will not work.
perlrebase works only for cygwin perls, not for strawberry or activestate perls.

> I just copied the prelrebase script and kept it in the Cygwin's bin
> directory. Then I had to set the 'perl' variable in prelrebase script to
> 'perl=../../Perl/bin/perl$suff.exe' because my Cygwin is at c:\Cygwin. Now
> when I ran the script with argument '5.6.1', I get the following error:

Do you really want to rebase your activestate perl 5.6.1?

I told you to run perlrebase, not perlrebase 5.6.1

> --------------------------------------------------
> user@machine: /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
> $ ./perlrebase.sh 5.6.1
> no archlib found for ../../Perl/bin/perl5.6.1.exe
> --------------------------------------------------
> I am not sure what this archlib is? I could not find it defined anywhere in
> the perlrebase script. Can you please help me with this?

See perl -V:archlib

My 5.6.1 *cygwin* perl has:
$ perl5.6.1 -V:archlib

My ActiveState perl has
> perl -V:archlib

But this should not be rebased by cygwin as it has a different fork
strategy than cygwin.
Reini Urban

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