On 5/30/2011 5:12 PM, Juanjo wrote:
> It seems I did not express myself properly. Code is compiled on the fly.
> DLLs do not survive beyond program execution. This is a dynamic language
> (Common Lisp btw) and functions are compiled and run and consumed
> quickly. Calling rebase for each invocation is overkill (it will scan the
> whole system!) and I would not even know how to start assigning
> fixed addresses to libraries myself.

Well, one workaround is to use the --enable-auto-image-base flag when
linking your ephemeral DLL.  This generates a custom image base address
based on a hash of the pathname of the DLL.  There's no guarantee this
doesn't clash with stuff, but at least it'll be *different* for dlls
that have different names.

Dunno of any solutions or recommendations related to the rest of your
email, tho -- sorry.


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