
It seems that /usr/bin/cygcheck does not interpret TZ the same
way as /usr/bin/date does, in the case TZ is set to a file name, like
in the following example:

(under tcsh)

jupiter% alias cygdate 'cygcheck -s | head -3'
jupiter% (setenv TZ /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Monaco; date; cygdate)
Thu Jun  9 09:07:13 CEST 2011

Cygwin Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Thu Jun 09 08:07:14 2011

My ideas:
- /usr/bin/cygcheck has an untypical situation wrt cygwin1.dll
- 'Thu Jun 09 08:07:14 2011' gives no clue about time zone
- 'Current System Time: Thu Jun 09 07:07:14 UTC 2011' would be more


Denis Excoffier.

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