* Roland Bluethgen (Sun, 12 Jun 2011 23:01:12 +0200)
> Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> > If you want Linux TMP and Windows TMP point to the same directory then 
> > mount it in fstab or use $USERPROFILE/AppData/Local/Temp.
> I shortened the story a bit, it's really more complicated. The TMP 
> definition in my case is user-crafted, not the default value which is 
> normally set up when a user is created in the Windows system.

TMP in Cygwin is "user-crafted"? TMP in Windows? TMP in your script?
> Also, this approach would defeat the intended purpose of the 
> redefinition of TMP (avoiding permissions screwup). Or am I missing 
> something here?

If you're the only Cygwin user on your machine, this is a reasonable 
way. Otherwise not.


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