On Jun 17 16:29, Fahlgren, Eric wrote:
> Vadim Zeitlin wrote:
> >  Could someone else please test this under Windows 7 to confirm the bug?
> Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
> $ ls C:/cygwin/lib/X11/../libc.a
> C:/cygwin/lib/X11/../libc.a
> $ ls C:/cygwin/lib/X11/..//libc.a
> ls: cannot access C:/cygwin/lib/X11/..//libc.a: No such file or directory
> $ uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 LM-XERXES 1.7.9(0.237/5/3) 2011-03-29 10:10 i686 Cygwin

Don't use Windows paths, use POSIX paths:

  $ ls /lib/X11/../libc.a
  $ ls /lib/X11/..//libc.a


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