On 6/22/2011 12:58 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jun 21 16:49, David Rothenberger wrote:
>> C:\Users\drothe>bash --norc
>> bash-4.1$ mintty bash --norc -c 'ssh-agent'
> I don't understand the sense in this one.  Shouldn't that be
>   eval `ssh-agent`
> so you set the environment variables for the subsequent processes?

Of course. This was just a simple example to illustrate the problem.

> I applied a patch which seems to do the trick.

Thanks. I look forward to the next snapshot.

David Rothenberger  ----  daver...@acm.org

vacation, n.:
        A two-week binge of rest and relaxation so intense that
        it takes another 50 weeks of your restrained workaday
        life-style to recuperate.

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