On Thu, Jul 07, 2011 at 11:13:02AM +0200, szgyg wrote:
>Since 06-14 midnight commander doesn't work in mintty or in xterm (in a 
>console window in notty mode it is OK). Alphanumeric keys, TAB are OK, 
>but cursor and function keys, BACKSPACE do nothing, ENTER works as 
>ESC-ENTER. Mouse click insert characters, the mouse position in the form 
><column><row>#<column><row> (with offset 0x20), the first five column of 
>the first two row:
>!!#!! "!#"! #!##! $!#$! %!#%!
>!"#!" ""#"" #"##" $"#$" %"#%"

Thanks for the report.  This should be fixed in the now-building snapshot
which will show up soon at: http://cygwin.com/snapshots/ .


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