On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 01:27:52PM -0400, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
>On 11 July 2011 09:44, yoni levi wrote:
>>>> Actually, I have not the faintest idea. ?Can you build your own Cygwin
>>>> DLL without -O2, see if it still occurs, and run that scenario through
>>>> GDB?
>>> cygcheck -svr output as per http://cygwin.com/problems.html might give
>>> some clue as well...
>> Well, it works just fine with the debug (-O0) version.
>> With release (-02) version, it crashes (with my compilation, and with
>> snapshot from cygwin.com).
>Could this be another gcc 4.3.4 compiler issue (similar to the issue
>encountered with vim)?

Actually, I think it is more likely BLODA.


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