<franck.bonin <at> free.fr> writes:

> Hello,
> From a clean OS (seven), installing *only* cmake using following command :
>     C:\cygwin>setup.exe -q -P cmake -s
> ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/sourceware.org/pub/cygwin
> leads to an error message, complaining about a missing "cygidn-11.dll" when I
> try to launch cmake. I tried other mirror without success.
> But Completing the installation with
>     C:\cygwin>setup.exe -q -C Python -s
> ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/sourceware.org/pub/cygwin
> solve this issue.
> I thing there is a missing dependency from cmake package (cmake 2.8.2-1)
> Regards,
> Franck Bonin


I have the same issue here,
to fix it I just installed the libidn package.
It looks like a missing dependency to me too.


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