05.08.2011 12:13, Marco atzeri пишет:
On 8/5/2011 10:53 AM, Oleksandr Gavenko wrote:
Or I am something missing?

looks fine

have you catched the mirror during the sync with the primary ?

Finally I found error from myself. I fix in:

rsync -va --delete --no-g --no-o --no-p \
  --exclude='*-src.tar.bz2' \
  --include='/release/***' --include='/setup.bz2*' \
  --exclude='*' \
  $mirror/cygwin/ $destdir/cygwin/ 2>&1 | tee -a $log

pattern to setup:

  --include='/release/***' --include='/setup.*' \

I am not expert of rsync but  --delete preserve setup.ini
if my first script. Why?

Thanks for pointing and sorry for noise in this list.

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