On 05/08/2011 7:58 AM, Ryan Johnson wrote:
It seems that the latest release of gdb doesn't quite get debug info right when reading apps compiled with the experimental gcc-4.5 package. It's a lot closer than the old gdb was able to get, but reported line numbers are usually off by 3-5 lines and breakpoints are similarly affected.

Is there some obvious reason I shouldn't expect this to work, and have other people seen similar problems? If the answers are "no" and "no" I'll start trying to isolate a small test case, and meanwhile I'm building a gdb from scratch which I'll report back on.
Huh. Seems to have been a fluke... now that I've built a gdb-7.3 from scratch, both it and the cygwin version work equally flawlessly. The only things that have changed are that I rebased my system because the gdb build was spawning fork failures left and right, and I recompiled the binary (maybe with different flags? the flags I used before were in an emacs session which I had to close to rebase). I don't know why the former would affect anything, and I'll remain skeptical of the latter unless I stumble across another magic combo of "bad" compiler flags (I wasn't doing anything crazy or unusual in that area).

Sorry for cluttering up the list with this.

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