I've had no issue with re-sizing the bash window in the past and having those changes saved to the shortcut, even on win7 ent, so I am concerned about the health of the install. The desktop icon points to Cygwin.bat, but that doesn't have anything in it about the bash shell. Can someone point me to the ini file where the specs of the bash window would be recorded? I can check that file on another machine and see if it exists on the suspect install and see if I can edit it. That may give a clue as to what is amiss.

I don't know anything about mintty and have always used bash. Can I run all of my bash commands, or would I be learning a new shell?


Csaba Raduly wrote:
On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 6:50 PM, LMH  wrote:

If you double click on the Cygwin icon on the desktop, it starts a bash
shell. If you click on the small Cygwin icon, upper left on the top window
bar, you can select properties. This gives you a window to modify properties
of the bash shell window such as the size, font color, font size, etc. When
you close after your modifications, there was always an option to apply the
changes to the current window only, or to modify the shortcut that started
the window.

I have always done this as soon as I installed cygwin.

You know, I used to do this as well until I found out about mintty,
which is a much nicer terminal than the "DOS prompt". Using mintty
would allow you to side-step the problem of not being able to modify
the command prompt. For one thing, mintty can be resized :)


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