At 12:02 AM 10/29/2002, Daniel Jeffery wrote:
>I do the above to run emacs, (so I can type C-c and C-t while in emacs), and when I'm 
>done (C-x C-c), it looks like I need to type `reset'.  (I can't see what I'm typing.) 
> But it doesn't work!  I have to do `unset CYGWIN' and then `reset' (without looking 
>too close, mind you) and then I get my prompt back.  `reset' also doesn't clear the 
>screen.  (note: reset and tset are part of ncurses).  is ncurses incompatible with 
>`CYGWIN=tty'?  Is this supposed to happen?
>let me know,
>                         - Daniel J.

You might get a better answer with better information given.  The results 
of 'uname -a' or 'cygcheck -s -r -v' for example may be significant.  I 
don't use emacs but I do use 'tty' in my CYGWIN environment variable and have 
no problems running/using 'reset'.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
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