On 08/09/2011 15:51, Jim Garrison wrote:
I ran chere as follows:

     chere -i -t mintty -s bash -a -n -e"bash Shell Here" -o "-s140,50"

However, the Windows Explorer context menu reads:


not "bash Shell Here", and when clicking on it I get an error dialog:

     [directory in which I clicked context menu]
     This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this 
     Create an association in the Set Associations control panel.

I have updated all Cygwin packages to the latest available.
Output of chere -r (bash keys only, all others empty):

     $ chere -r
     OS is CYGWIN_NT-6.0-WOW64

Hi Jim,

This has come up a couple of times:
 <http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2010-01/msg00056.html> (continued)

Basically there's a 32 bit registry and a 64 bit one. chere uses the 32 bit one. This works on 64 bit Windows 7, but not some others.

I thought I'd done a release fixing this. You can try the attached patch, which should make chere play with the appropriate registry.

--- chere.prev  2009-01-29 22:15:52.001000000 +0000
+++ chere       2011-09-08 20:39:21.436409000 +0100
@@ -816,8 +816,9 @@
 # Need to use eval to force correct quote evaluation
-REGTOOL="eval regtool"
+REGTOOL_="regtool -w"
 KNOWN_TERMS="cmd rxvt mintty xterm"
 KNOWN_SHELLS="ash bash cmd pdksh posh tcsh zsh passwd"
@@ -854,7 +855,7 @@
     c ) ALL_USERS=f;;
     n ) DO_WIN_UINST=t;;
     m ) DO_WIN_UINST=f;;
-    p ) REGTOOL="echo regtool"; PRINT=t;;
+    p ) REGTOOL="echo $REGTOOL_"; PRINT=t;;
     f ) FORCE=t;;
     1 ) METHOD=1;;
     2 ) METHOD=2;;

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