On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Christophe Dupre wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm trying to recompile a homegrown program that was originaly
> developped for Unix under Windows. We were successful in compiling this
> program with the cygwin-supplied gcc using our current Makefile.
> Now we'd like to recompile with the 'native' compiler, cl.exe provided
> with Visual Studio, as some believe the native compile would produce
> faster binaries (it's a long-running analysis code - even 5% speedup
> would be significant). Also, the gcc binary can't seem to be able to
> allocate more than 1024MB of memory, even though the machine has 4GB
> physical (this is under Windows 2000). Even then, we had to modify a
> registry key to be able to use more than 256MB, which is not great for
> end-users.
> Anyway, we're making progress in being able to compile with CL.EXE, but
> we're having trouble with include files. We use the flag
> '-I/home/user/dg/include' to point to the include directory, but it
> can't find it. If we use '-I../include' it works, but for many reasons
> we need to be able to specify absolute paths for include files.
> Has anyone done that ? I was not able to find anything relevant in the
> archives.

I had this same problem to contend with at work.  I'd solved it by
writing a wrapper script around cl that massaged the include list to
match Windows syntax and then invoke the real cl.  It was a but tricky.
I ended up putting the path with my wrapper earlier in $PATH and calling
cl.exe explicitly.  Had to do the same thing with link and lib commands

> Thanks.

        "Cats are just autistic Dogs" -- Dr. Tony Attwood

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